Learning to Live
with The Glory of God

We stand today in a holy place.
A wall of gold encircles us.
It encloses us with the throne of God.
Only a veil intervenes.

7 Branch candel stick

That veil is but a curtain that withholds from our eyes the sight of those glories that exist even this moment beyond the limits of natural vision. What lies beyond that curtain is not another material world, but another sphere of life. There lies a grander realm, more beautiful than anything of beauty on this earth. Here we mark out our lives by the dimension of time. The things that belong to that realm belong to eternity.

The holy tabernacle in which we dwell is called the tent of meeting. It is in this place we meet that God Who is the very centre of all existence. This is the gate of heaven. When we entered this place, we entered the sacred presence of One Whose Name is Holy, and Who inhabits Eternity. At any moment one who dwells in this holy place may be called to pass through that veil. Sown in weakness, that one is presented faultless before the presence of His glory, with exceeding joy. They shall see His face, and their eyes shall behold the King in His beauty. They will not be ashamed before Him, for there before His holy presence will be seen—a perfect creation of His own hands, made after the likeness of Him that created it. The daughter of the King is “all glorious within.” (Psa.45:13)

We are awed and astonished at the wondrous descriptions of this state that appear in the Word of God. “Having the glory of God” as a precious jewel, reflecting that glory, which emanates from God Himself—like the face of Jesus. We stand indeed, at this hour, in a holy place. It is here, this side of the veil, that preparation takes place for all beyond. Here do we learn to be at home with God. Here do we learn to live with God, learn to live with the glory of God, learn to live with the mighty power of God. It is in this place we learn to live with the love of God, and with the peace of God.

One of our English hymns contains these words.

  Eternal Light! Eternal Light!
  How pure the soul must be,
  When placed within Thy searching sight,
  It shrinks not, but, with calm delight,
  Can live and look on Thee!

  The spirits that surround the throne
  May bear the burning bliss;
  But that is surely theirs alone,
  Since they have never, never known
  A fallen world like this.

  0, how shall I, whose native sphere
  Is dark, whose mind is dim,
  Before that wondrous Light appear,
  And to His holy throne draw near
  And humbly worship Him.

Thomas Binney

This lovely hymn goes on to describe the wondrous provision the Lord has made for our complete preparation for that sight of holiness above. It is a process by which beggars from the dunghill are made to feel at home seated among princes.

Esther underwent a full course of preparation before presentation to the king. So must we. In her case this preparation consisted of many months of frequent immersion and washing in fragrant oils. She received full instruction in all the manners and ways of a royal court. They gave her attire appropriate for entry into the royal presence. In our case—well, we guess the same applies! Paul describes the Lord as sanctifying and cleansing us by the washing of the water by the Word, that He might present us to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that we should be holy and without blemish. (Eph.5:26,27) The very apartments where this process took place for Esther were themselves places of glory and beauty. They were sumptuous apartments appropriate to the work entailed, the work of preparing a queen for the royal throne. So with this holy place prepared by the Lord. It is a heavenly place. It is designed to sanctify, to elevate the mind, to fully prepare us for the sight of holiness above.

The walls of the Holy are overlaid with gold. The occupants of the Holy are surrounded with all the glory of the Lord divine. As that glory cloud that enveloped the three disciples with their Lord on the Mount of transfiguration, the atmosphere of glory envelopes, embraces and compasses all who dwell in this secret place of the Most High. It is no natural light that illuminates the Holy, nor can natural sight enjoy its blessedness. The wall of gold is quite invisible to the natural eye. The occupants of the Holy know it is there. They sense the splendour of the light of the seven lamps from the gilded lampstand reflected in each segment of the wall of gold. They are enclosed by the glory of God.

This sense was illustrated to me once by a blind physiotherapist, a member of my staff at hospital. One bright sunny morning she said to me, “Isn’t the sunshine beautiful this morning.” She was blind, yet she sensed the sunshine by the warmth on her face. We too have senses which enable us to perceive around us the warmth of a Father’s love. We feel ourselves surrounded, compassed about, by the Lord of Glory.

The “Spirit” of God, the “Presence” or “breath” of God, are terms used interchangeably in Psalm 139:7. Wherever His Spirit is, His breath, there dwells the Lord. In Him, said Paul, we live, and move, and have our being. (Acts 17:28) But only the saints know this. Not by natural vision will they ever see God. Whatever the experience awaiting them beyond that veil, it will not be natural sight, for flesh and blood cannot inherit such glories. It is while they are this side of the veil, that they develop and exercise spiritual senses, that they may discern things that are excellent. Spiritual things are not limited to the natural material form. They are things belonging to a different realm of being. Spiritual discernment is a most blessed ability. It introduces us to a wondrous realm, beyond the limits of natural sense. By it we become aware of the ceaseless activity of the spirit realm on behalf of saints on earth. We perceive the reality behind the vision of that young servant of the prophet when he beheld the Chariots of the Lord round about His people. (2 Kings 6:17‑20)

Oh could we hear that sound of many wings of angel’s flight on wondrous mission bent. Could we but see each messenger speed forth to aid, to strengthen, comfort and support. Could we perceive the interest of a spirit world, some rising, some descending, all sent forth along the sunlight shafts of love divine, breaking through clouds, opening prison doors. With ease and grace their wonders they perform. Whispering words behind us beckoning on. Guarding, guiding, watching every step of every saint, to keep in all their ways. Beholding constantly a Father’s face. Before we cry, they take our hand to bear us up, and lift us high above the stumbling stones of earth, beyond the things of time and sense to glory realms, eternity’s domain, where dwells our Lord. See He prepares within our Father’s House, a place reserved (Oh blessed thought) in heaven. Sweet are such messages of love. Beautiful the flight of those that bring them to my longing heart, and loan to me their wings...

It is here in the holy condition of mind that we gain a sense of the enormity of the energy of the Almighty God. That limitless source of power is this moment harnessed to the achievement of His wondrous purpose in the preparation of the saints in light. Day after day, in grand celestial language, the heavens call the earth to witness to that power. For having created that vast expanse, He then filled it with a myriad stars, and giant nebulae that, even at the speed of light, take years to traverse. Each source of light in the starry sky is full of vibrant energy beyond our measure.

Yet, in that He is great in power, not one fails. We hear nothing from this great activity. Our ears are not tuned to detect the music of the spheres. Yet can any speech more eloquently speak the mightiness of the power that said, “Let there be...” and that brought out of nothing the vastness of the entire material universe. No human mind has approached the boundaries of the material realm. Ecclesiastes 3:11, speaks of the Lord setting eternity in the heart of man, the ability to explore beyond the limits of immediate sight. Yet, with the combined total of all human exploration, man has not approached the end of knowledge on even one of a myriad subjects. These are but “the edges of His ways.” (Job 26:14 NKJV)

While man discovers the enormity of the force compressed within each atom, the people of God are discovering the even greater exhibition of power and skill in the making of each jewel.

This is a New Creation. Something more awesome than the formation of all material things, is the creation of a saint. It takes a little time for us to more fully appreciate that word of assurance—“Kept by the power of God.” Because He is great in power not one of His promises fail, nor will His purpose according to which each saint is called. We are learning to live with the power of God. This wondrous New Creation, these are the New Heavens that throughout eternity will declare the glory of God. The making of each saint in the likeness of Jesus, thus will He show forth His handiwork, age after age.

To be continued