Looking for the Sunrise

I’m not looking for the sunset
As the swift years come and go,
I am looking for the sunrise
And the golden morning glow,
Where the light of heaven’s glory
Will break forth upon my sight
In the land that knows no sunset
Nor the darkness of the night.

I’m not going down the pathway
Toward the setting of the sun,
Where the shadows ever deepen,
Where the day at last is done.
I am walking up the hillside
Where the sunshine lights the way
To the glory of the sunrise
Of God’s never ending day.

I’m not going down, but upward,
And the path is never dim,
For the day grows ever brighter
As I journey on with him.
So my eyes are on the hilltops
Waiting for the sun to rise,
Waiting for his invitation
To my home beyond the skies.

Songs of the nightingale